1:10 AMHas it only been 3 weeks since I've last updated? It feels incredibly long. School has been draining despite the shorter working days I have compared to last sem; especially this week- I absolutely hate the feeling of lacking sleep. BUT the mods I'm taking this sem are ones that I put little thought in selecting but I surprisingly love. From the heart pounding minutes in hedwig's class, reading of and writing stories that I had forgotten my love for in creative writing class, the weekly brainstorming of ideas with my lovely group for creative strats (inter-course dating & club yehyeh, luv it), delving into something I'm so unfamiliar with in tv prac, and lastly Monday netball nights with my crazy fun class- I'm hooked. For now. Reaffirms my satisfaction for choosing wkw and ntu in general. May never do anything related to my degree in the future- after all so many don't- but getting to enjoy my uni life is something I'll always be grateful for. Sure, some days I get absolutely stressed out not just with the school load but with people as well but at the end of the day when I look at it on a whole, the good definitely out wins the bad.
Now before this turns into a graduation speech, I'll let the pictures do the speaking. Though there isn't much of them because I haven't had that much fun stuff happening to take pictures of. Cri.
3 lost girls and 1 camera. Really excited to shoot our story provided the other party is willing!! Fingers crossed.